Thursday, January 24, 2013

Some facts about detoxing - HTD Health & Fitness

Advertising couched in scientific-sounding terms often leads people to believe the claims made for products and diets that are supposed to help the body to detoxify. There are a few simple facts that consumers need to know before they start a detox diet.

The basic idea behind detox diets is that our modern world is full of pollution and this is being passed onto people?s bodies, making them sick or unhealthy. Proponents of detoxing suggest that special diets or treatments, such as colon cleansing, are necessary to rid the human body of these extra toxins.

The principles of detoxing make sense to anybody who feels the effects of air pollution and junk food, but medical research has found that the body?s organs are quite capable of processing any unwanted material.

Many people who have tried detox diets say that they have lost weight and gained energy. Scientific research suggests that the increase in the feeling of wellbeing experienced by people is a result of focusing their attention on looking after their health. If a person moves from surviving on fast food and badly-cooked meals, to a balanced diet including fruit, vegetables, starchy carbohydrates, dairy, meat and other sources of protein, they are bound to feel better. If they maintain a balanced diet and include regular exercise, they will continue to be healthy.

Health conscious people wishing to stay healthy should also watch what they drink. It is essential to stay hydrated but water need not be the only fluid taken in. Any kind of drink will contribute to the daily fluid intake, but coffee, tea and alcohol should not be over-used.

It is also useful for the body to be trained to expect meals at regular times during the day. Some nutritional experts recommend three meals a day with no snacks, while others say that six small meals a day is ideal.

Image courtesy of Charkrem


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